How do I tell stories on Remento?
Watch this 3-minute video introduction to Remento and learn how easy it is tell stories on Remento:
How do I view stories as a storyteller?
Now that you’ve recorded, we know you’ll want to play it back to check that it looks and/or sounds fantastic. Tap View my stories, then log in using your email address. If you don’t see an email, don’t forget to check your spam or junk folder. If it lands there, mark it as Not spam or Not junk before moving it to your inbox.
Watch the video below to see what it looks like to log in and see your recorded stories.
If you have a Google account, you can tap “Sign in with Google” to avoid having to go to your email entirely.
And that’s it to get you started! Check out 🔗 Recording stories using Remento for further instructions about recording, or 🔗 Creating and managing prompts to see how you can create and manage prompts for yourself.